Notification: Welcome to CMYK Thoughts (OLD POST)
Original post from April 2008
Hello world. After watching “Pump up the Volume”, I realized that the blogosphere is the dream of the main character. This is where we can say who are and how we feel. But I think I will devote my site mostly to design aspects, hence the title of CMYK Thoughts. Most of what I will deal with are print orientated ideas, but some will likely be web transferable. I am also accepting donations via paypal (on my home page, right now is the button – id8tion.com). I will also put up textures, vectors and other thing
The layoff from DGWB Advertising was rough. I had already been working on a few ideas for my web portfolio, but it seems that the economy crashed and it was a horrible time to be starting a career in graphic design. I had spent my time focused on school that I never thought of building more freelance opportunities. I was given some projects due to the connections I made at DGWB, but the truth is that after DGWB I would go through a rough patch and then I rebuilt my career from graphic designer and art director to marketing professional.
I ended up waiting tables after a horrible job hunt in 2008 which lasted until May 2009. I worked at the restaurant and did some freelance, but I was saved when I got an opportunity at Quiksilver. I made the complete line of DC Shoe catalogs for a few years and at some point I realized I needed to do something different. I went to school at nights and worked full-time in the day all while raising a family. Then the many mistakes of upper management came to roost and our department was shut-down. Our jobs shipped to Europe.
I then became a high school teacher where I had no time to create a curriculum and on the first day I was told I had not one subject to teach, but two. I taught graphic design and animation at Canyon High School for one year, but the school board decided to ignore my initial concerns about my night school and so it ended up leading to me not coming back.
Then I got back in advertising. I will leave this there for now, but to learn more check out my about page.
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