Curious about where you can find me online? I am on many different sites and I try to utilize all of the major platforms. Some more than others.
I am always on Instagram and for 2019 I’ve tried to keep to a single aesthetic, but I am planning on changes to how I handle my social media in 2020. Stay Tuned.
My main art page on Facebook is The Artistry of Sean Carter and here is a really good place to find the current works I’ve done. I have set up an art-sharing group on Facebook and if you want to share your art then join the Id8tionist, Share Your Art Group! Which also leads to another Facebook Page I moderate, for those who do DrawingsRevisited.
Next year I will be putting the focus on my main website, Id8tionist.com and not posting my art to my @CarterArtist Instagram page first as I’ve done in the past. Yet I will be still very active on that page.
I will hopefully also continue to use my other Instagram accounts, such as the Art Sharing account, @Id8tionist and my products page of @Id8tionist_Products as well as the @DrawingsRevisited account for my original Reddit Group for those who want to show off their progress on redrawing old pictures again.
As much as LinkedIn is all about the professional world, and I do tend to focus more on my marketing career there you can see my LinkedIn Profile and read my periodical articles on my LinkedIn Feed or share your art in my LinkedIn Group of Id8tionists – Share your Art! where it is similar to the others just for those on LinkedIn.
While you are on LinkedIn you can also follow my Id8tionist Company Page, or the Showcase Pages for the Art Store, Artwork, and the Graphic Design that I do.
A few years ago I started to grow my social media accounts thanks to the Subreddit of /r/RedditGetsDrawn and this led to my first real Subreddit of /r/DrawingsRevisited that grew pretty quick. I also recently started another group just for other Id8tionists to Share Their Art. That is still a fairly new group and so /user/CarterArtist is the only user as I draft this post.
Like many artists I also have a DeviantArt profile, currently named CarterPhotography — but maybe one day I’ll get a paid account to change the name. I started a DeviantArt Group for any Id8tionists to ArtShare as well.
Twitter has @carterartist which I don’t tend to respond back as well as I used to, but I do post frequently. I have the Youtube page that I would like to add more to in the future. Which would lead to more Periscope and/or Twitch videos. I’m also on Tumblr, Patreon (which I will address soon), Behance, and I think that is pretty much the bulk of it.
Besides my Merchandise Shop, there are other places to find my art on products, such as Society6, Etsy, Threadless (for Skateboards), and my Lulu Art Books.
I also have an occasional newsletter you can subscribe to.
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